WD10TMVV-11BG7S0, DCM HBBVJHBB, Western Digital 1TB USB 2.5 Hard Drive


WD10TMVV-11BG7S0, DCM HBBVJHBB, Western Digital 1TB USB 2.5 Hard Drive

Original price was: ₹15,000.00.Current price is: ₹14,500.00.



DD with Serial Number: WXF1A50R4730
Model: WD10TMVV-11BG7S0
Date: 07 JUN 2010
Product of: Thailand
PCB Sticker: 2061-701675-304 03P
PCB Revision: 2060-701675-004 REV P1

Micro Jogs

LH  : PH  : Micro Jog (Hex/Dec)

0   : 0   : C46/3142
1   : 1   : BBC/3004
2   : 2   : BC2/3010
3   : 3   : BA2/2978
4   : 4   : C3E/3134
5   : 5   : BB4/2996
ROM F/W version……………………. : 0014001W
Heads map…………………………. : 0,1,2,3,4,5
Preamp vendor……………………. : 0x0001
Preamp revision………………….. : 0x0006


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